Can you please take a moment to think about the quality of our care?

    As a university hospital we are always concerned with the physical and mental welfare of our patients.

    Some time ago you had an appointment at our department digestive oncology. Based on our expertise and experience we, the doctors and nurses, made every endeavour to advise and treat you the best we can.  

    As a university hospital we are always concerned with the physical and mental welfare of our patients. How were you welcomed at our department? How did you feel about the consultation? To what extent did we take into account your personal concerns?  

    These are some examples of the questions we would like to ask and which we would like you to answer in all fairness.  

    May we ask you to please fill in the online survey? It will take about five minutes in all.  

    This survey will obviously be conducted strictly anonymously. Your answers will also be processed anonymously and confidentially.  

    On behalf of UZ Leuven and all patients we wish to thank you for your time and help.

    UZ Leuven
    Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven

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